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Donald Ross Society


Hopefully you have had a chance to look over the Society’s web pages and have a better understanding of what the Donald Ross Society is all about. You may be asking yourself “what’s in it for me”? It’s a fair question.

Some of our members belong to clubs with Ross designed courses or have played them, and paramount to them is the Society’s mission to promote a better understanding of who Donald Ross was and his contributions to the game of golf.

Some of our members are club historians and appreciate the Society’s efforts to assist them.

Still others might join because they find the events too attractive to pass up.

Regardless of the reason members join, they keep renewing their membership to be included with the finest group of golf enthusiasts you will ever encounter. 

Please fill out form below and enter your payment information for membership to the Donald Ross Society.

Membership payments are to the Donald Ross Society, a 501(c)(7) organization, and membership fees are not tax deductible. 

Member - $100.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st No automatically recurring payments

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       What is the Donald Ross Society?

Founded in 1989 to recognize and safeguard the integrity of courses from the "Golden Era" of Golf Course Architecture, the Society's particular focus is the work by Donald J. Ross & Associates of Pinehurst, North Carolina before 1948. We believe that the golf courses designed by Ross are works-of-art that merit close care and meticulous preservation. When renovation work is needed, we believe that - wherever possible - the course should maintain its original look, shape, and playing character; and when accommodations are needed for the modern game, they should be consistent with the original design intent.

We, therefore urge clubs to seek out those architects, shapers, consultants and superintendents in the industry who endeavor to preserve these traditions, and that are comfortable with the basic strategies outlined in our Restoration Guidelines, wherein we distill the wisdom of countless restoration successes and provide a blueprint for clubs interested in recapturing their Donald Ross design integrity.

The Society also hosts three to five events per year which the Society membership can attend. The events are well attended and the membership is able to play many of Ross' classics and the many wonderful unknown Ross courses.  The events enable Society members to see new Ross courses, play old favorites, and meet other avid golfers and create new friendships.

Copyright © 2024
 Donald Ross Society  501(c)(7)
Donald Ross Society Foundation  501(c)(3)
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software