Elk Rapids GC was a recipient of a Donald Ross Society Grant. Please see what the club wrote to it's members below, in addition to viewing the video and article about the completion of the course.
Elk Rapids GC Article
ERGC Receives Ross Society Grant
In the spring of 2017, Brad Becken of Chapel Hill, NC visited ERGC. Brad has played over 300 Ross designed courses across the country and is a member of The Donald Ross Society. The DRS is an organization (headquartered in Pinehurst NC) devoted to promoting and protecting the Donald Ross golf course design heritage. General Manager Gene Davis alerted the Board of Brad's visit, so we got in touch with Brad to thank him for playing ERGC. A dialogue regarding our course and Club began between us and needless to say, Mr. Becken was intrigued by our club's history.
Last fall, we let Mr. Becken know about our "course completion" project planned for 2018. He encouraged us to apply to the DRS Foundation for a grant to help with the project. We did, and the Foundation subsequently approved a $ 6,000 grant to ERGC. Through the generosity of the DRSF, two new tee boxes that were unfunded "future projects" were completed this spring along with our other course improvements.
In their letter approving our grant, the DRS Foundation encouraged us to come back to them in the future for help with other projects. We're proud to have the Donald Ross Society involved and deeply appreciate their Foundation's generosity.